Daubendiek Photography: Blog https://www.daubendiekphotography.com/blog en-us (C) Daubendiek Photography [email protected] (Daubendiek Photography) Mon, 16 Mar 2020 07:00:00 GMT Mon, 16 Mar 2020 07:00:00 GMT https://www.daubendiekphotography.com/img/s/v-12/u1004410864-o959120591-50.jpg Daubendiek Photography: Blog https://www.daubendiekphotography.com/blog 120 90 Bell Tower Upgrade https://www.daubendiekphotography.com/blog/2016/9/bell-tower-upgrade On Wednesday September 22, 2016, a crew from Champion Crane Service out of Des Moines along with Verdin Bell Company came to Jefferson to bring down some of the bells from the Mahanay Bell Tower.  The Verdin Bell Company created the bells 50 years ago when Floyd Mahanay left money for the construction of the Bell Tower.  


Today the first step of the project was to bring down 9 striker-less bells lowered from the top of the Mahanay Bell Tower and load on a truck to be sent to the Verdin Company in Cincinnati to install the strikers.  The 15 other bells that were previously on display in the courthouse will also make the trip to Cincinnati.  This was all made possible with multiple grants and fundraising efforts to a total project cost of $440,000.  18 new bells will be casted to bring the total bell count to 33 which is a full carillon and will be one of four in the state.  


The follow are pictures and videos of the projects first step. You can see two workers on the top of the tower taking down the bells.  It got pretty windy as the day went along.  



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Here are some videos flown with my drone. 


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[email protected] (Daubendiek Photography) DJI Phantom 3 Drone Greene County Iowa Jefferson Mahanay Bell Tower https://www.daubendiekphotography.com/blog/2016/9/bell-tower-upgrade Thu, 22 Sep 2016 19:07:59 GMT
Raccoon River Valley Trail https://www.daubendiekphotography.com/blog/2016/9/raccoon-river-valley-trail Today work continued on improving the Raccoon River Valley Trail to pave the gravel road crossings.  This was made possible with help from the Grow Greene County board awarding a grant to the Greene County Conservation to pave seven gravel road crossings along the trail in the amount of $124,000. The following are aerial pictures and videos of Hamilton Redi-Mix and Dennhardt Construction paving the crossings captured with a DJI Phantom 3 Advance.  


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Along with the pictures I took I captured a fews videos.




[email protected] (Daubendiek Photography) DJI Phantom 3 Drone Greene County Iowa Raccoon River Valley Trail bike riding video https://www.daubendiekphotography.com/blog/2016/9/raccoon-river-valley-trail Tue, 06 Sep 2016 22:33:39 GMT
Fall 2015 https://www.daubendiekphotography.com/blog/2015/10/fall-2015 The summer has come and gone and now it is time for my favorite time of the year, fall.  The weather gets cooler and the leaves start to change colors.    This past week I had the chance to go up to Green Bay, Wisconsin, and took some photos along the way. 



We decided to wake up early and this was the sunrise treat we saw as we were leaving Winona, MN.  The sun was rising over the mighty Mississippi river.  



The follow pictures were taken walking around Oshkosh, Wisconsin. 

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The following photos were taken the following morning after a frost came through.  I used my macro lens to capture all of the ice particles.  

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My last image from the Wisconsin trip, a nice yellow for the Green and Gold Packers!  IMG_0004IMG_0004

[email protected] (Daubendiek Photography) Landscape Wisconsin fall frost leaves macro sunrise https://www.daubendiekphotography.com/blog/2015/10/fall-2015 Tue, 27 Oct 2015 22:21:25 GMT
Last Vegas 2015 https://www.daubendiekphotography.com/blog/2015/2/last-vegas-2015 I just got back from a short vacation to Las Vegas, NV to celebrate my sister's birthday.  The last trip to Vegas I focused on the flashy Las Vegas Strip, so this time I decided that I wanted to go off the strip to take some photos.  It just so happened that my brother-in-law used to live in an area called Summerlin which is a western suburb of Las Vegas.  Summerlin and his house is right next to Red Rock Canyon National Conversational Area. We wanted to go out and take some photos of the sunrise over the city and the early sunlight hitting the mountains.  We got up at 5:00am to leave our hotel by 5:15am.  We still saw a few party goers on their way to bed which was fun to talk to.  We had about a 20-30 minute drive to where we would hike up for a view point.  As we were driving out from downtown we couldn't see any stars so we thought it might be cloudy, but by the time we got to Red Rock Canyon it was a clear morning.  

Sunrise ESunrise E IMG_2264IMG_2264

Las Vegas 1_1080

You never quite know what to expect when you get up for a sunrise but there is something magical about watching the sun come up over the horizon to start a new day. This sunrise was pretty typical until some clouds started rolling through right at the time as the sun was starting to peak through throwing a great pink color on the clouds. 
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After the sunrise we headed back down the hike to view the Red Rock Canyon mountains. Here is a sped up version of the drive. 
2015-02-06 08.56.07
Below are some photos from the rest of the morning. 
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We really enjoyed getting up and seeing the sunrise that we decided to do it again but this time we would wait for the sun to hit the mountains. Here is another time lapse of the sunrise hitting the mountains. You can really see the different colors that get cases on to the mountain. 
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Below are some more videos of the rest of the morning taken with a GoPro similar to my Mexico blog post. 
Las Vegas Sunrise 3
2015-02-08 09.17.07
Here is another time lapse video of the cars on Las Vegas Boulevard. 
2015-02-07 00.13.01
[email protected] (Daubendiek Photography) Landscape Las Vegas desert gopro hyperlapse mountain sunrise https://www.daubendiekphotography.com/blog/2015/2/last-vegas-2015 Tue, 24 Feb 2015 22:17:47 GMT
Best of 2014 https://www.daubendiekphotography.com/blog/2015/1/best-of-2014 2014 was a great year and as it passes by I took some time to reflect on my favorite images form the past year.  It seems like the years go by faster each year.  I will try to give some description on why I picked these images as my favorite.  Enjoy!



This photograph was taken in Winona, MN, in February after they just received a nice fresh snowfall.  The whole week leading up to this day was cloudy and overcast but this morning it was bright blue skies.  I drove around the countryside stopping and taking pictures and also took some out of the sunroof.  This photograph was my favorite from the day.  Here is the link to the blog write up with more photos.  




The reason for this photograph making the list is this was my first crack at shooting with a new Canon 100mm 2.8 macro lens. It has been fun learning to shoot with a macro lens and I really like the starburst in the lower lefthand corner.  Here is a blog post with more macro shots. 




This shot was taken at the Ram track meet in early spring as Roman Phillips broke the school record for the 100mm dash. Here is a link for the rest of the photos. 



2014 PItching2014 PItching

I like making montages when I can and a pitcher's throwing motion is an ideal one.  This one was taken of Marissa Promes during a game against Nevada.  The Ram girls' softball team had their best finish in school history by placing 3rd at state.  It was a great season for them and fun to follw.  Here is the photo album with the rest of the pictures.  



In June we went to Mexico for a friend's wedding and this was my favorite image from our trip.  The dock provided a great spot for a lot of great photos.  Here is the blog post describing our trip.  




These two photographs were taken during the 4th of July in Waterloo, IA.  The following picture was taken using a flash and sparklers.  It took us awhile to get the timing right but I think it turned out pretty cool.  Here is a link to the other firework shots. 

IMG_9798IMG_9798 CloudsClouds

This is the first time I got this image up on my website or Facebook page but it was incredible.  We were actually coming back from Waterloo after the 4th of July and some really bad storms were going through the state of Iowa.  We actually had to go a different way home because of an accident and so we came into Jefferson from the north and it was perfect timing as the sun was setting.  This was a huge storm and later produced tornadoes around the Des Moines area.  Timing is everything!




I was lucky enough to make it up to Alaska this year to go fishing.  We went to Elfin Cove which is roughly a 30 minute float plane ride west of Juneau.  We had a day in Juneau to spend and this photo was taken on the hiking trails near the Mendenhall Glacier.  The bottom image of a whale was taken while we were fishing.  It was quite the sight watching the whales spash around in the water.  Very powerful animals. 





In August my favorite band 311, came to Des Moines for a concert.  I have been lucky to have a great relationship with 311 and have received press passes to photograph their concerts.  These two are my favorite from that night.  The top one was of Chad Sexton their drummer.  Usually it is really hard to get good photographs of him as he is in the back.  The bottom image I like because of the guy crowd surfing.  Here is the blog post with more images from the concert.  





In September I had a conference in San Francisco so I took my camera with me.  San Francisco is one of my favorite cities in the US.  I got up early in the morning to take pictures and this was my favorite one with a slow shutter speed causing the waves to be blurry and the bird standing still.  Here is the blog post with more images.  




In October I went on a fishing trip with my father on the Rogue River in Oregon.  I took my GoPro camera with me to get some great shots but one of the places we stayed at had this old truck.  I walked by it and I stopped in my tracks with the reflection of the truck on the pond.  I knew I had to go back and grab my camera and this was the result. 




Also in October my cousin got married at a wonderful outdoor garden in Texas.  As the sun was starting to set I set up my camera and had a slow shutter speed and captured a great scene with the waterfall and I especially liked the color in the sky. 




Fall is my favorite time of year because the leaves start to turn colors.  I always try to get out and get some fall color shots.  This one was my favorite from 2014.  



Over Christmas we went to the La Crosse Rotary lights in La Crosse, WI.  This was the first time I went and was really impressed with all of the hard work that went into creating these really cool light displays.  It was fun to try and capture some of the displays.  This one was my favorite and here is my blog post describing the lights.  


2014 was a great year that went by all too quickly.  A lot of great things happened and I look forward to the new year ahead!  I wish everyone a happy new year!

[email protected] (Daubendiek Photography) Greene County Ram Iowa best landscape macro night snow sunset https://www.daubendiekphotography.com/blog/2015/1/best-of-2014 Sat, 10 Jan 2015 22:30:51 GMT
La Crosse Rotary Lights https://www.daubendiekphotography.com/blog/2014/12/la-crosse-rotary-lights Last weekend after celebrating Christmas in Winona, MN, the family and I went to La Crosse, WI, to see the La Crosse Rotary lights.  It is quite a scene as the Rotarians from the local area spend countless hours donating their time to create a great tradition.  They have free admission to let everyone walk through or drive by and see over 3,000,000 lights.  This has been going since 1995 and averages over 200,000 visitors a year.  Here is a link to a live view of the park and the following are pictures that I took.  It was pretty overcast so the lighting wasn't the best but it was still fun to go and take some pics. 


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The view from across the river. 




The following are pictures taken the next morning after a fresh snowfall. 

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[email protected] (Daubendiek Photography) La Crosse Rotary Lights Landscape Wisconsin night snow https://www.daubendiekphotography.com/blog/2014/12/la-crosse-rotary-lights Wed, 31 Dec 2014 04:19:53 GMT
Greene County Ram Wrestling 2014 https://www.daubendiekphotography.com/blog/2014/12/greene-county-ram-wrestling-2014 Last week the Ram wrestling squad hosted a traiangular meet against Van Meter and Ogden.  The Rams won their first match against Van Meter but lost against to Ogden.  


The highlight of the night was Jordan Challen winning his 100th varsity victory.  The following are some of the pictures from the night.  Click here for the rest of the pictures.  

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[email protected] (Daubendiek Photography) Greene County Ram wrestling https://www.daubendiekphotography.com/blog/2014/12/greene-county-ram-wrestling-2014 Tue, 09 Dec 2014 05:30:00 GMT
San Francisco https://www.daubendiekphotography.com/blog/2014/10/san-francisco In September I was in San Francisco for work and naturally took my camera with me on the trip. As I mentioned before in my post about Santa Barabra, I love going to the west coast because of the 2 hour time zone difference. So when I normally wake up at 6:30 it is 4:30 am Pacific time.  

My wife and I flew into San Francisco and got to our hotel by 10pm Pacific time and ready for bed. The next morning we got up to try and photograph the Golden Gate Bridge at sunrise and took a cab to Baker Beach at 6:15am. I had grand visions of the Golden Gate with a bright orange sunrise in the background, but when I showed up Mother Nature had other plans. 

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2014-09-20 07.04.542014-09-20 07.04.54

My wife took this panorama of me while I was busy taking pictures. 



After the "sunrise" photos we went for a long walk along the coast in pursuit of breakfast. We walked through the Presidio which was really cool, to the base of the Golden Gate Bridge, Crissy Field, Palace of Fine Art, Lombard Street, and final stop was the Powell Street cable car.  Below is the map of our walk and cable car ride.  

View Larger Map


IMG_7891IMG_7891 2014-09-20 11.54.422014-09-20 11.54.42   2014-09-20 15.07.192014-09-20 15.07.19

When we got on the cable car I took a hyperlapse video of the ride which is below.  It was an experience riding hanging on to the handrail and it gets pretty close when another cable car passes you by.  

2014-09-20 14.53.09

Later in the trip we went to the free Cable Car Museum and were very impressed with learning how the cable cars work.  My fun fact that I learned is that the cable wears out and needs to be replaced every 75-90 days.  

2014-09-23 15.49.252014-09-23 15.49.25 2014-09-20 17.03.022014-09-20 17.03.02

The view from the back of the ferry boat over to Sausalito, CA. 

2014-09-20 20.09.132014-09-20 20.09.13 2014-09-21 10.22.122014-09-21 10.22.12

Pictures from our winery tour.  2014-09-21 10.25.492014-09-21 10.25.49 2014-09-21 10.55.252014-09-21 10.55.25 2014-09-21 19.19.062014-09-21 19.19.06 2014-09-22 14.48.022014-09-22 14.48.02

Cindi went on a bike ride from San Francisco over the Golden Gate Bride, to Sausalito, Mill Valley and took the ferry from Tiburon back to San Francisco.  Below is another hyperlapse video heading into Sausalito.  2014-09-22 13.05.42

2014-09-22 16.13.192014-09-22 16.13.19

Her reward for an all day bike trip.


2014-09-22 21.28.042014-09-22 21.28.04

One of the nights we went on a boat ride around the harbor.  We got a great view of the skyline and the Golden Gate bridge from the water.   IMG_7937IMG_7937 IMG_7945IMG_7945 IMG_7979IMG_7979 IMG_8018IMG_8018

2014-09-20 19.57.512014-09-20 19.57.51 Port of San FranPort of San Fran

San Francisco is such a fun city with lots of things going on.  We look forward to when we can go back.  


[email protected] (Daubendiek Photography) California Landscape San Francisco cable car golden gate bridge hyperlapse https://www.daubendiekphotography.com/blog/2014/10/san-francisco Tue, 28 Oct 2014 15:45:58 GMT
Mexico 2014 https://www.daubendiekphotography.com/blog/2014/8/mexico-2914 Earlier this summer we had friends have a destination wedding in Mexico so this was the perfect reason for a vacation. We stayed at Azul Sensatori (all inclusive) and loved it. We were a little nervou before we went down as it was in the middle of a tropical depression and 80% chance of rain everyday. Things changed when we were down there because it never rained on us. The following are some of my favorites pictures from the trip.  Enjoy!

IMG_8931IMG_8931 One good thing about waking up for a pre 6:00am flight is you get to see the sunrise!


2014-06-10 15.57.282014-06-10 15.57.28

Somehow we got upgrade to a Presidential suite and this was our view from our room. 


IMG_8975IMG_8975 IMG_8977IMG_8977 IMG_9025IMG_9025 IMG_9046IMG_9046 IMG_9052IMG_9052 IMG_9090IMG_9090 IMG_9095IMG_9095 IMG_9102_2IMG_9102_2 IMG_9114IMG_9114 IMG_9128IMG_9128 IMG_9129IMG_9129 IMG_9145IMG_9145 2014-06-08 17.43.592014-06-08 17.43.59 2014-06-10 00.56.572014-06-10 00.56.57 2014-06-10 18.43.492014-06-10 18.43.49 The last night we were there we dined at a special restaurant that served us a 12 course meal and was definitely a once in a lifetime experience. 

2014-06-10 19.04.442014-06-10 19.04.44 2014-06-10 19.45.242014-06-10 19.45.24 This was probably the coolest part of the meal when they brought out smoked fish and smoked the fish inside of the bowl and then disappeared when they lifted up the bowl covering the fish.  Very cool!


2014-06-11 08.10.162014-06-11 08.10.16 2014-06-09 16.50.432014-06-09 16.50.43 2014-06-09 17.12.262014-06-09 17.12.26

2014-06-11 20.49.192014-06-11 20.49.19

The view outside of the plane on the trip home. 


The last morning we were in Mexico I got up early to try and shoot a time lapse using my GoPro camera.  The sunrise wasn't the best but it was still fun to practice.  Over 500 images were taken and stitched together in order to create this video.  I love my GoPro and I hope to do more fun creative things with them in the future.

Mexico Time Lapse

[email protected] (Daubendiek Photography) Landscape beach gopro mexico sunset travel https://www.daubendiekphotography.com/blog/2014/8/mexico-2914 Sun, 24 Aug 2014 19:56:42 GMT
311 Des Moines 8/7/14 https://www.daubendiekphotography.com/blog/2014/8/311-des-moines-8/7/14 Earlier this month I was fortunate to get a photo pass to the 311 concert when they played in Des Moines at the Val Air Ballroom.  The last time I was at the ballroom was in high school so it was nice to get back.  As usual it was great to see 311 live and it still impresses me how strong they are still going after 20+ years together as a band.  The following are some of my favorite shots from the concert.  Enjoy!


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[email protected] (Daubendiek Photography) 311 music https://www.daubendiekphotography.com/blog/2014/8/311-des-moines-8/7/14 Tue, 19 Aug 2014 01:05:36 GMT
Sunset GoPro https://www.daubendiekphotography.com/blog/2014/8/sunset-gopro This past week I watched the sunset and decided to make a time lapse video using my GoPro.  The following are the pictures and video made up of 500 images taken every 5 seconds. Enjoy!

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[email protected] (Daubendiek Photography) GoPro Iowa Landscape sunset https://www.daubendiekphotography.com/blog/2014/8/sunset-gopro Sun, 03 Aug 2014 04:03:55 GMT
4th of July 2014 https://www.daubendiekphotography.com/blog/2014/7/4th-of-july-2014 Last year I was fortunate to be in Telluride, Colorado, for a wedding. It just so happened to be over the 4th of July holiday. I haven't been to a 4th of July celebration in many years so it was fun to see all of the patriotic items all over, the culmination of the day was a parade down Main Street. The following are some pictures of the parade. 


As you can see in the upper right hand corner there were people sitting on the roof tops all along the main drag. 

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I loved this guy's 4th of July spirit with a painted shaved head and all.  


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This band was pretty good playing all of the festive tunes.  


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Even in the summer the locals are still thinking about skiing.


This little kid was pretty creepy. 

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After the parade was over everyone was heading to the BBQ.

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This was probably my favorite shot. So I hope everyone has a happy 4th of July. 

[email protected] (Daubendiek Photography) 4th of July Patriotic https://www.daubendiekphotography.com/blog/2014/7/4th-of-july-2014 Tue, 01 Jul 2014 22:45:00 GMT
Fly Iowa 2013 https://www.daubendiekphotography.com/blog/2014/6/fly-iowa-2013 This weekend June 28th and 29th, 2014, as the Fly Iowa 2014 is in Iowa City I think back on last year's Fly Iowa was in Perry, IA.  Luckily it was close to me as I fortunate to go. I didn't know what to expect for the air show but I was very impressed. It was really cool to see a lot of vintage planes still up and flying, the sky was cloudy and overcast so the background wasn't the best but I still managed to get some good shots. The following are some of my favorites. 


IMG_4244IMG_4244 IMG_4246IMG_4246 IMG_4248IMG_4248 IMG_4274IMG_4274 IMG_4279IMG_4279 IMG_4324IMG_4324 IMG_4362IMG_4362 IMG_4378IMG_4378

I really liked this photograph as it looks like I was up in the air with the plan even though I was on the ground. 



On this one I was able to pan with the plan to create the blur in the background to show motion. 


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These three plans were fun to photograph as they were flying really close to one another. 


The next photographs were from the end of the show were we got to witness a wing walker.  This guy has been doing this for a long time and does not use any harnesses.  It was pretty incredible watching considering some of the stunts they were doing. 


This was the position he was in for take off and landings. 

IMG_4668IMG_4668 IMG_4707IMG_4707 IMG_4715IMG_4715 IMG_4725IMG_4725 IMG_4740IMG_4740 IMG_4750IMG_4750 IMG_4766IMG_4766 IMG_4769IMG_4769 IMG_4793IMG_4793

Doing some burnouts on the runway!




It was a fun afternoon for the entire family and I don't know who enjoyed the plans more, my son or me.  I hope to shoot another air show again in the future.  

[email protected] (Daubendiek Photography) Iowa airplane aviation flying https://www.daubendiekphotography.com/blog/2014/6/fly-iowa-2013 Mon, 23 Jun 2014 17:31:22 GMT
What Would the Fox Say? https://www.daubendiekphotography.com/blog/2014/5/what-would-the-fox-say A couple of weeks ago we started to notice a couple of foxes running around our backyard.  I got my camera out and started to take pictures of them. Originally there were two of them playing together on the hill.  The whole time they were running around I couldn't help but think of the song "What Does a Fox Say?"  For those of you that have not seen the video yet I have attached that at the bottom.  Enjoy


IMG_6347IMG_6347 IMG_6352IMG_6352

Then there was one


And he was off



A little back scratch on the tree sound nice. 



This was my best picture of the fox as he came up the hill next to our house.  He went by our house and crossed the street to the neighbors.  Hopefully I will get to photograph the foxes again real soon. 



And as promised here is the video!

[email protected] (Daubendiek Photography) Iowa wildlife https://www.daubendiekphotography.com/blog/2014/5/what-would-the-fox-say Sun, 18 May 2014 19:00:00 GMT
Market to Market 2014 https://www.daubendiekphotography.com/blog/2014/5/market-to-market-2014 This past weekend I helped the Jefferson Matters: Main Street organization volunteer at the first exchange point for the 2014 Market to Market Iowa Relay.  This relay race had 300 teams with 5-8 team members each taking a turn running along the trail for 75 miles and 17 exchange points. This is the second year this has been in Iowa and starts in Jefferson and follows the Raccoon River Valley Trail all the way down to Des Moines.  Here is a map of the trail. 



The following are some of my favorite shots taken throughout the morning at the first exchange point.  I got pictures of all of the first and second team runners.  You can see the gallery by clicking here


We got up at 4:30am to be ready to go at Bullhead Farms at 5:15am. The first group left downtown Jefferson at 5:40am.  This is the picture of the sunrise that morning. 



Part of the volunteer crew. 



Alan being the spotter for when runners come racing in and using the bullhorn to let the teams know who is arriving.



The first runner of the day.


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Lots of high 5's were given out throughout the day


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Since this was the first exchange point and early in the morning, there were a couple of "missed" exchanges from the first runner to the second runner.  This runner was disappointed that his partner wasn't anywhere to be found. 


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There were a lot of good costumes throughout the day, here we had pirates.


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ISU runners.


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This was my favorite group that was dressed up....the chain gang.


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This guy reminded me a lot of Reno 911.


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Superman undies!


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Time to go batman!



Local runner Mike Palmer with the Incredible team.


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It turns out there was another chain gang with the same outfits.



I thought it was ironic that there was a police team followed by the criminals with the chain gang running after them. 



It was an early morning with a few missed rain showers but all in all this was a lot of fun.  The runners were all really courteous and nice.  The Market to Market staff put on a great race and are extremely organized.  The put the fast runners at the end of the starting groups so everyone would finish roughly the same time.  From the runners I have talked to they said that it was an all day event leaving in the morning and making it to Des Moines late afternoon/early evening.  It was a fun day and if you want to view all of the photos you can see the gallery by clicking here.



[email protected] (Daubendiek Photography) Iowa Market to Market events running https://www.daubendiekphotography.com/blog/2014/5/market-to-market-2014 Tue, 13 May 2014 21:36:35 GMT
311 Day 2014 https://www.daubendiekphotography.com/blog/2014/3/311-day-2014 Today is March 11, 2014.  This might seem like another normal day but for any 311 fan today it is the best day of the year.  The band 311 originated in Omaha, NE, in 1991 with Nick Hexum, Tim Mahoney, Chad Sexton, P-Nut and SA Martinez.  More history on the band can be found on 311's website here.  I have seen over a dozen 311 shows and a couple 311 day concerts (3/11/08 & 3/11/10) where thousand of die hard 311 fans gather upon a city and take other with the positive 311 attitude.  The first time I saw 311 was in 2002 at 7 Flags event center in Des Moines and was hooked from their live performance and positive energy ever since.  I was lucky enough to get introduced to the band's manager and began taking pictures for them when I lived out in Denver.  The following are some of my favorite pictures I have taken of 311 throughout the years.  You can view more of my favorites by clicking here


P-Nut getting some air time!

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The view from top of Red Rocks in Denver, CO. By far my favorite venue to watch a concert underneath the stars.  

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A little Beautiful Disaster jam time. 


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SA was almost pointing at me on this one. 

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Applied Science drum core!  One of the best parts of the show. 

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This was pretty cool to see Tim give a big smile and wear his Omaha shirt as he first came out for the hometown Omaha crowd. 

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I hope I will get the chance to photograph more 311 shows in the years.  They have definitely influenced my life and my outlook on life with their motto, "Stay Positive and Love Your Life!"

[email protected] (Daubendiek Photography) 311 concerts music https://www.daubendiekphotography.com/blog/2014/3/311-day-2014 Tue, 11 Mar 2014 23:06:49 GMT
More Winter Macro https://www.daubendiekphotography.com/blog/2014/2/more-macro When I was in Minnesota last weekend I got to go on a photo hunt for 3 hours.  In that time I had a couple of good macro shots that I am posting here.  I am continually learning about macro photography and it provides a whole new world to photograph.  The last one is definitely my favorite!


IMG_5920IMG_5920 IMG_5903IMG_5903 IMG_5915IMG_5915 IMG_5918IMG_5918 I love the 3 starbursts in this shot.  I was trying to get the sun shining through the ice but I didn't realize I captured the starbursts until I downloaded the pictures. Definitely one of my favorites. 


[email protected] (Daubendiek Photography) Landscape Minnesota ice macro snow winter https://www.daubendiekphotography.com/blog/2014/2/more-macro Fri, 28 Feb 2014 20:30:00 GMT
Winter in Southeast Minnesota https://www.daubendiekphotography.com/blog/2014/2/winter-in-southeast-minnesota This past weekend we traveled from Jefferson, IA, to Winona, MN, to visit my wife's family.  On Thursday much of the midwest was preparing for a big blizzard.  It did not hit us very hard in Jefferson so when we left Friday after work the roads were fine.  The roads were fine until we got between Ames and Clear Lake where you could start to see more build up on the roads.  Between Clear Lake and Albert Lee it was completely covered with ice.  We were going 4 mph near the Albert Lee exit due to trucks not being able to climb even the smallest of hills.  The entire trip normally takes 3 hours and 45 minutes but this trip took over 5 1/2 hours!  The drive up there was not fun at all but the next morning was worth it because it was blue skies and a lot of snow on the trees. When the snow fell, it was a heavy wet snow that accumulated on the trees and the sub freezing temperatures kept the snow on the trees making a great combination for some unique winter photographs.  I spent 3 hours in the morning driving around and taking pictures.  I am sure I looked goofy as I was driving with the sunroof open and both windows down while it was only 10° outside!  The following are some of my best ones as it was extremely hard to narrow them down so I hope you enjoy. 

IMG_5250IMG_5250 This one was taken right outside of my in-law's house in Winona.  Then I started up Highway 17 towards Witoka. 


I thought my lens was distorted but I think the tree actually was crooked. 

IMG_5303IMG_5303 All of the trees look like they were frosted but it actually heavy wet snow that stuck to the trees and then was frozen on due to the extremely cold temperatures. 

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IMG_5353IMG_5353 IMG_5374IMG_5374 Here you can see the hood of the car as I was taking these pictures out of the sunroof.  Yes it was really cold (10° and going 40mph) but the shots made it worth it.  All of these were taken with a 12-24mm wide angle lens so I could include everything in the scene.

IMG_5377IMG_5377 IMG_5389IMG_5389 IMG_5426IMG_5426 IMG_5442IMG_5442 IMG_5458IMG_5458 Here I held the camera back and behind my head with a 12-24mm wide angle lens in order to view my view from the inside of the car. 

IMG_5485IMG_5485 IMG_5507IMG_5507 IMG_5511IMG_5511 IMG_5517IMG_5517 IMG_5527IMG_5527 IMG_5559IMG_5559 After I ventured off the main road I started to take some back country roads.  It got a little sketchy as the roads were not plowed but I was glad I had all wheel drive to get me through the snow.

IMG_5604IMG_5604 IMG_5650IMG_5650 IMG_5707IMG_5707 IMG_5708IMG_5708 IMG_5711IMG_5711 Probably one of my favorites as this area were tucked back in a valley so the trees were all untouched and having the barn in the frame definitely helps. 

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All in all I drove over 50 miles and had a great morning photographing the beautiful scenery.  If we would have know how bad the roads were driving up from Jefferson we would not have made the trip but I am sure glad that we did because got some great shots. 

[email protected] (Daubendiek Photography) Landscape Minnesota Winona snow winter https://www.daubendiekphotography.com/blog/2014/2/winter-in-southeast-minnesota Wed, 26 Feb 2014 21:17:21 GMT
Viva Las Vegas https://www.daubendiekphotography.com/blog/2014/2/viva-las-vegas This past weekend I went to Las Vegas with family.  Normally when I go to Las Vegas I do not bring my camera with but from here on our I will always bring my camera.  There were so many good spots to go and photograph and I only scratched the surface on this trip.  


The famous Las Vegas sign was pretty popular but the line moved quickly.  Next time I go back I would like to try to take this one at night.  


The following are night shots that I took while walking around for two hours from midnight to 2am.  There were still a lot of people out but the car traffic had died down.  

IMG_5005IMG_5005 IMG_5011IMG_5011 IMG_5015IMG_5015 IMG_5022IMG_5022 The red streaks from the cars' taillights were a fun challenge to capture. 


IMG_5030IMG_5030 IMG_5034IMG_5034 IMG_5041IMG_5041 IMG_5049IMG_5049 IMG_5056IMG_5056 IMG_5069IMG_5069 I really like this one as it shows the headlights from the car only illuminating certain spots of the Las Vegas Boulevard.  


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My brother-in-law booked us an exciting afternoon driving these beauties around Las Vegas and Lake Mead area.  It was a Dodge Challenger, Chevy Corvette, and a Shelby Mustang. We all took turns driving each of these amazing muscle cars.  

IMG_5100IMG_5100 The Shelby Mustang was by far my favorite and it was a little scary on how much power this car had (700 horsepower)!    



The only sunset picture I had taken from our hotel room. 
IMG_5129IMG_5129 IMG_5188IMG_5188 Hopefully I can come back soon and take more pictures on and off the strip. 

[email protected] (Daubendiek Photography) Landscape Las Vegas cars night photography https://www.daubendiekphotography.com/blog/2014/2/viva-las-vegas Thu, 13 Feb 2014 23:33:00 GMT
Macro Fun https://www.daubendiekphotography.com/blog/2014/2/macro-fun Last Saturday I got to take some more photographs with my macro lens.  It amazes me how different the snow looks close up.  You really can see how each snowflake is different.  The last few pictures were taken on an evergreen tree.


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[email protected] (Daubendiek Photography) Landscape macro snow https://www.daubendiekphotography.com/blog/2014/2/macro-fun Wed, 05 Feb 2014 00:30:00 GMT
Frosty Friday https://www.daubendiekphotography.com/blog/2014/1/frosty-friday It is pretty hard to beat as a photographer knowing that the trees are all frosted over in the morning from a hoarfrost the night before.  I just got a macro lens for my camera so it was fun to try it out on these trees.  The following images were taken in Jefferson, IA. 


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[email protected] (Daubendiek Photography) Landscape frosted tree macro winter https://www.daubendiekphotography.com/blog/2014/1/frosty-friday Sat, 01 Feb 2014 00:15:00 GMT
Greene County Ram Wrestling vs. Saydel https://www.daubendiekphotography.com/blog/2014/1/greene-county-ram-wrestling-vs-saydel The Greene County Ram wrestling team came up short against the Saydel Eagles.  The following are some pictures from the match.  


[email protected] (Daubendiek Photography) Greene County Ram Greene County wrestling sports wrestling https://www.daubendiekphotography.com/blog/2014/1/greene-county-ram-wrestling-vs-saydel Thu, 30 Jan 2014 23:30:00 GMT
Greene County Boys Basketball vs. North Polk https://www.daubendiekphotography.com/blog/2014/1/greene-county-boys-basketball-vs-north-polk The Rams lost a tough game against North Polk in overtime.  Below are a few of the pictures from the game. 


[email protected] (Daubendiek Photography) Greene County Ram Greene County Ram Basketball North Polk Rams basketball sports https://www.daubendiekphotography.com/blog/2014/1/greene-county-boys-basketball-vs-north-polk Mon, 27 Jan 2014 23:23:25 GMT
Greene County Ram Girls Basketball vs. North Polk https://www.daubendiekphotography.com/blog/2014/1/greene-county-ram-girls-basketball-vs-north-polk The Greene County Ram girls played a tough game against North Polk but came up short in the end.  Here are a few pics from the game. 

[email protected] (Daubendiek Photography) Greene County Ram Greene County Ram Basketball North Polk Rams basketball sports https://www.daubendiekphotography.com/blog/2014/1/greene-county-ram-girls-basketball-vs-north-polk Mon, 20 Jan 2014 04:04:52 GMT
Santa Barbara https://www.daubendiekphotography.com/blog/2014/1/santa-barbara This will be my first post on my blog and I wanted to showcase some photographs I took in December when I went to Santa Barbara for a friend's wedding.  The location was beautiful and made it very easy to capture sunrises and sunsets.  The good thing about going from central timezone to pacific timezone is that it was really easy to wake up for the sunrise.  This image was taken on the first day. 




The following pictures were taken at the hotel after a little rain shower. It was nice to see some flowers after coming from the middle of winter in Iowa. 







Also at the hotel they had a very nice Christmas display with all of the decorations.  

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The final sunrise of the trip.

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I thought this was an interesting composition of the sailboats at the marina.  



The trip was great and I can't wait to go back someday.  

[email protected] (Daubendiek Photography) California Christmas Daubendiek Photography beach flowers ornaments sailboat sunrise sunset https://www.daubendiekphotography.com/blog/2014/1/santa-barbara Fri, 17 Jan 2014 03:28:05 GMT