Market to Market 2014

May 13, 2014  •  Leave a Comment

This past weekend I helped the Jefferson Matters: Main Street organization volunteer at the first exchange point for the 2014 Market to Market Iowa Relay.  This relay race had 300 teams with 5-8 team members each taking a turn running along the trail for 75 miles and 17 exchange points. This is the second year this has been in Iowa and starts in Jefferson and follows the Raccoon River Valley Trail all the way down to Des Moines.  Here is a map of the trail. 



The following are some of my favorite shots taken throughout the morning at the first exchange point.  I got pictures of all of the first and second team runners.  You can see the gallery by clicking here


We got up at 4:30am to be ready to go at Bullhead Farms at 5:15am. The first group left downtown Jefferson at 5:40am.  This is the picture of the sunrise that morning. 



Part of the volunteer crew. 



Alan being the spotter for when runners come racing in and using the bullhorn to let the teams know who is arriving.



The first runner of the day.


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Lots of high 5's were given out throughout the day


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Since this was the first exchange point and early in the morning, there were a couple of "missed" exchanges from the first runner to the second runner.  This runner was disappointed that his partner wasn't anywhere to be found. 


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There were a lot of good costumes throughout the day, here we had pirates.


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ISU runners.


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This was my favorite group that was dressed up....the chain gang.


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This guy reminded me a lot of Reno 911.


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Superman undies!


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Time to go batman!



Local runner Mike Palmer with the Incredible team.


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It turns out there was another chain gang with the same outfits.



I thought it was ironic that there was a police team followed by the criminals with the chain gang running after them. 



It was an early morning with a few missed rain showers but all in all this was a lot of fun.  The runners were all really courteous and nice.  The Market to Market staff put on a great race and are extremely organized.  The put the fast runners at the end of the starting groups so everyone would finish roughly the same time.  From the runners I have talked to they said that it was an all day event leaving in the morning and making it to Des Moines late afternoon/early evening.  It was a fun day and if you want to view all of the photos you can see the gallery by clicking here.




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